Form abandonment: How to increase your conversion rates

Form abandonment is a common problem that can have a big impact on a business's success. When a user leaves an online form without completing it, it can lead to lost sales, missed opportunities, and wasted time and money. In fact, nearly 70% of site visitors will abandon a form forever if they encounter an issue with it.

There are many reasons why people abandon forms, including:

  • Complexity
  • Too much required information
  • Security concerns
  • Poor user experience
  • Lack of perceived value

It's important for businesses to track form abandonment and work to improve conversion rates. So, how can you combat form abandonment and increase conversions for your business? Here are some strategies to consider:

1. Make Your Forms Easy to Use

To reduce form abandonment, it's important to make your forms easy to use. This means:

  • Keeping the number of fields to a minimum
  • Using clear and concise language
  • Avoiding confusing or unnecessary questions

According to Convertica, 27% of people abandon online forms due to their length, and 10% abandon forms because of unnecessary questions. By simplifying your forms, you can improve the user experience and increase the chances of successful form completion.

2. Provide Value to the User

Make sure the user understands what they will get in return for filling out the form. This could be access to exclusive content, a discount, or something else. Providing value to the user will give them a reason to complete the form and will increase the chances of successful form submission.

According to Convertica, 29% of people abandon online forms due to security concerns, and 11% abandon forms because of advertisements or upselling. By offering value to the user, you can alleviate their concerns and provide a reason for them to complete the form.

3. Use a Form Building and Integration Tool

Using a form building and integration tool can help streamline the form creation process and make it easier to manage your forms. Formcarry offers a free HTML form code generator that allows users to customize and get a beautifully styled HTML form code for their projects. With the Formcarry generator, visitors can create a responsive form with three different style options to choose from.

If you have a Formcarry account, the output will be a fully functioning form code with no additional configuration needed. Formcarry also offers integrations with Zapier and Webhook support, allowing users to automate their form messages and save them to Google Sheets. Formcarry simplifies the process of building forms, reducing it to just a few minutes.

In addition to the HTML form generator, Formcarry also provides instant email notifications, spam protection, auto-response messages, customizable thank you pages, file upload capabilities, and the ability to export submissions in CSV or JSON format. These features make Formcarry a valuable tool for improving form conversion rates and streamlining form management.

4. Test and Optimize Your Forms

Testing and optimizing your forms can help you identify and fix any issues that may be causing form abandonment. You can use tools like Google Analytics to track form abandonment rates and see where users are dropping off. You can then use this information to make changes to your forms and improve the user experience.

5. Use Retargeting and Remarketing Strategies

Retargeting and remarketing allow you to show targeted ads to users who have abandoned your forms. By using these strategies, you can remind users about your business and encourage them to return and complete the form.

There are a number of retargeting and remarketing platforms available, including Google AdWords and Facebook Ads. To use these platforms effectively, you'll need to install a tracking pixel on your website. This will allow you to track users who visit your site and show them targeted ads as they browse the web.

6. Use Visual Aids and Interactive Elements

Using visual aids like images and videos can help make your forms more engaging and improve the user experience. Interactive elements like progress bars and conditional logic can also help keep users engaged and motivated to complete the form.

7. Make Sure Your Forms Are Mobile-Friendly

With more and more users accessing the internet from their smartphones, it's important to make sure your forms are mobile-friendly. This means ensuring that your forms are easy to use on a small screen and that they load quickly.

According to WPForms, 45% of form data is now submitted from a mobile device. By optimizing your forms for mobile, you can improve the user experience and increase form completion rates.

8. Use Social Proof and Customer Testimonials

Including social proof and customer testimonials on your forms can help build trust and credibility with users. This can be especially effective if you're asking users to input sensitive information or make a purchase.

9. Use Marketing Automation and Lead Nurturing

Marketing automation and lead nurturing can help you keep in touch with users who have abandoned your forms. By sending targeted emails and offering helpful resources, you can keep users engaged and increase the chances of them completing the form at a later date.


Form abandonment is a common problem that can have a big impact on a business's success. By following the strategies outlined above, you can combat form abandonment and improve your conversion rates. This will help you capture valuable leads and drive business growth.